Since Phoenix’s inception we have identified the need to acquire specialised plant to enable the construction of our projects. 

Phoenix Civil is based in Cambridge and we have acknowledged the need for specialist plant and equipment in good condition to ensure the best resources are available for our projects. To this end Phoenix has purchased the following plant and equipment to ensure that these key items are available for all our construction projects.

General Plant and Equipment 

30T Excavator

20T Excavator x 2

14T Excavator

5T Excavators x 2

1.7T Excavator

7T  Front End Loader

5T Front End Loader

Tractor & Trailer Units (300hp – 175hp) x 3

6 Wheeler Trucks

4 Wheeler Trucks

Water Cart x 2

12T Compaction Rollers

4T Compaction Rollers

1.8T Remote Controlled Compactors x 2

Topcon GPS and Base Units x 2

BBA 6” Dewatering Pump & Spears – 100m of Dewatering Spears

Selwood 6” Dewatering Pump

6m Containers x 10

9.6m x 3m Portacom Unit

6.0m x 3m Portacom Unit x 2

Trailers x 3

Certified Trench Shields x 4

Nuclear Densometer

Various Small tools and accessories